222 research outputs found

    A Study on the Hydrophobicity of Organosilane

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    Control of zeolite external surface hydrophobicity was achieved by covalently bonding organosilane molecules of varying alkyl chain length. The hydrophobicity was characterized by measurement of static contact angle, finding that zeolite hydrophobicity increased after silanization. To quantify the effect, gravimetric measurements were performed to estimate the mass of coating acquired by the zeolites during silanization. When combined with external surface area measurements,the finding was that the modest coatings (\u3e10 mg/cm2) transformed the zeolite surface hydrophobic; increasing the coating density beyond this critical loading had little effect. This work provides a rational basis for determining the optimal coating density required for a given application

    Cross Contrastive Feature Perturbation for Domain Generalization

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    Domain generalization (DG) aims to learn a robust model from source domains that generalize well on unseen target domains. Recent studies focus on generating novel domain samples or features to diversify distributions complementary to source domains. Yet, these approaches can hardly deal with the restriction that the samples synthesized from various domains can cause semantic distortion. In this paper, we propose an online one-stage Cross Contrasting Feature Perturbation (CCFP) framework to simulate domain shift by generating perturbed features in the latent space while regularizing the model prediction against domain shift. Different from the previous fixed synthesizing strategy, we design modules with learnable feature perturbations and semantic consistency constraints. In contrast to prior work, our method does not use any generative-based models or domain labels. We conduct extensive experiments on a standard DomainBed benchmark with a strict evaluation protocol for a fair comparison. Comprehensive experiments show that our method outperforms the previous state-of-the-art, and quantitative analyses illustrate that our approach can alleviate the domain shift problem in out-of-distribution (OOD) scenarios

    Boosting Feedback Efficiency of Interactive Reinforcement Learning by Adaptive Learning from Scores

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    Interactive reinforcement learning has shown promise in learning complex robotic tasks. However, the process can be human-intensive due to the requirement of large amount of interactive feedback. This paper presents a new method that uses scores provided by humans, instead of pairwise preferences, to improve the feedback efficiency of interactive reinforcement learning. Our key insight is that scores can yield significantly more data than pairwise preferences. Specifically, we require a teacher to interactively score the full trajectories of an agent to train a behavioral policy in a sparse reward environment. To avoid unstable scores given by human negatively impact the training process, we propose an adaptive learning scheme. This enables the learning paradigm to be insensitive to imperfect or unreliable scores. We extensively evaluate our method on robotic locomotion and manipulation tasks. The results show that the proposed method can efficiently learn near-optimal policies by adaptive learning from scores, while requiring less feedback compared to pairwise preference learning methods. The source codes are publicly available at https://github.com/SSKKai/Interactive-Scoring-IRL.Comment: Accepted by IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2023

    Assisting Language Learners: Automated Trans-Lingual Definition Generation via Contrastive Prompt Learning

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    The standard definition generation task requires to automatically produce mono-lingual definitions (e.g., English definitions for English words), but ignores that the generated definitions may also consist of unfamiliar words for language learners. In this work, we propose a novel task of Trans-Lingual Definition Generation (TLDG), which aims to generate definitions in another language, i.e., the native speaker's language. Initially, we explore the unsupervised manner of this task and build up a simple implementation of fine-tuning the multi-lingual machine translation model. Then, we develop two novel methods, Prompt Combination and Contrastive Prompt Learning, for further enhancing the quality of the generation. Our methods are evaluated against the baseline Pipeline method in both rich- and low-resource settings, and we empirically establish its superiority in generating higher-quality trans-lingual definitions.Comment: Accepted by ACL-BEA worksho

    Rethinking Alignment and Uniformity in Unsupervised Image Semantic Segmentation

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    Unsupervised image semantic segmentation(UISS) aims to match low-level visual features with semantic-level representations without outer supervision. In this paper, we address the critical properties from the view of feature alignments and feature uniformity for UISS models. We also make a comparison between UISS and image-wise representation learning. Based on the analysis, we argue that the existing MI-based methods in UISS suffer from representation collapse. By this, we proposed a robust network called Semantic Attention Network(SAN), in which a new module Semantic Attention(SEAT) is proposed to generate pixel-wise and semantic features dynamically. Experimental results on multiple semantic segmentation benchmarks show that our unsupervised segmentation framework specializes in catching semantic representations, which outperforms all the unpretrained and even several pretrained methods.Comment: AAAI2

    Aggregation of Disentanglement: Reconsidering Domain Variations in Domain Generalization

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    Domain Generalization (DG) is a fundamental challenge for machine learning models, which aims to improve model generalization on various domains. Previous methods focus on generating domain invariant features from various source domains. However, we argue that the domain variantions also contain useful information, ie, classification-aware information, for downstream tasks, which has been largely ignored. Different from learning domain invariant features from source domains, we decouple the input images into Domain Expert Features and noise. The proposed domain expert features lie in a learned latent space where the images in each domain can be classified independently, enabling the implicit use of classification-aware domain variations. Based on the analysis, we proposed a novel paradigm called Domain Disentanglement Network (DDN) to disentangle the domain expert features from the source domain images and aggregate the source domain expert features for representing the target test domain. We also propound a new contrastive learning method to guide the domain expert features to form a more balanced and separable feature space. Experiments on the widely-used benchmarks of PACS, VLCS, OfficeHome, DomainNet, and TerraIncognita demonstrate the competitive performance of our method compared to the recently proposed alternatives

    SharpContour: A Contour-based Boundary Refinement Approach for Efficient and Accurate Instance Segmentation

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    Excellent performance has been achieved on instance segmentation but the quality on the boundary area remains unsatisfactory, which leads to a rising attention on boundary refinement. For practical use, an ideal post-processing refinement scheme are required to be accurate, generic and efficient. However, most of existing approaches propose pixel-wise refinement, which either introduce a massive computation cost or design specifically for different backbone models. Contour-based models are efficient and generic to be incorporated with any existing segmentation methods, but they often generate over-smoothed contour and tend to fail on corner areas. In this paper, we propose an efficient contour-based boundary refinement approach, named SharpContour, to tackle the segmentation of boundary area. We design a novel contour evolution process together with an Instance-aware Point Classifier. Our method deforms the contour iteratively by updating offsets in a discrete manner. Differing from existing contour evolution methods, SharpContour estimates each offset more independently so that it predicts much sharper and accurate contours. Notably, our method is generic to seamlessly work with diverse existing models with a small computational cost. Experiments show that SharpContour achieves competitive gains whilst preserving high efficiencyComment: 10pages, 5 figures, accepted by CVPR 2022, project page: see this https://xyzhang17.github.io/SharpContour

    A physically based surface resistance model for evaporation from bare soils

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    The resistance to vapor transfer across the soil-air interface, termed surface resistance, plays an important role in determining the evaporation rate from unsaturated bare soils. A physically based analytical model is developed to describe the surface resistance under varying liquid water saturation. When the vaporization plane remains in the topmost soil layer (TSL), the model considers the vapor transport through the external diffusive layer (EDL), and the hydraulic connection between the capillary water in the TSL and underneath water source for evaporation. When the vaporization plane develops below the TSL, the model predicts the surface resistance by taking into account the development of the dry soil layer, the major barrier for vapor transport at the soil-drying stage. With the consideration of the soil pore size distribution, the model is applicable to different soil types. The model was validated against six sets of laboratory experiments on the drying process of initially water-saturated soil columns under nonisothermal conditions. These experiments were conducted using different soil types and/or heat intensities above the soil surface. The model was found to perform well over intermediate and low liquid water saturation ranges while underestimating the surface resistance for the high liquid water saturation range. The results suggest that the model overall represents reasonably well the processes underlying the vapor transfer across the soil-air interface. Future model improvement may be gained by considering the hydraulic connection between the capillary water and film water in the TSL

    Enhance Connectivity of Promising Regions for Sampling-based Path Planning

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    Sampling-based path planning algorithms usually implement uniform sampling methods to search the state space. However, uniform sampling may lead to unnecessary exploration in many scenarios, such as the environment with a few dead ends. Our previous work proposes to use the promising region to guide the sampling process to address the issue. However, the predicted promising regions are often disconnected, which means they cannot connect the start and goal state, resulting in a lack of probabilistic completeness. This work focuses on enhancing the connectivity of predicted promising regions. Our proposed method regresses the connectivity probability of the edges in the x and y directions. In addition, it calculates the weight of the promising edges in loss to guide the neural network to pay more attention to the connectivity of the promising regions. We conduct a series of simulation experiments, and the results show that the connectivity of promising regions improves significantly. Furthermore, we analyze the effect of connectivity on sampling-based path planning algorithms and conclude that connectivity plays an essential role in maintaining algorithm performance.Comment: Accepted in Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 202